Let’s make a difference to be a good programmer

8 Important characteristics that make a good programmer

Sachin Mamoru
4 min readFeb 3, 2021
Photo by MORAN on Unsplash


Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

Normally in the IT industry, our work won’t end in a day or two. We are working on massive projects, sometimes delivering a new feature might take even months. So start to adapt to the situation, when you start working on a project, it won’t finish within 2 to 3 days. It takes more time. So don’t give up within a week or two. It’s not teaching you anything and your project also doesn't help anyone. So have the big picture in your mind and slowly work towards the goal.

Staying Consistent

Photo by Mpho Mojapelo on Unsplash

You can’t be a good programmer by programming for 2 hours a day for one week. It’s a continuous process, it takes years of dedication and practice, and experience. But with constant working on projects and analyzing problems will make you a good one. Be consistent and by doing so you’ll survive in the longer term.

Love to solve problems

Photo by Kieran Wood on Unsplash

Programming is all about solving problems. When you start working in the industry you will be given problems that no one has ever solved. Some problems may take 15 minutes to solve, some may take 15 days. So you should have a passion and enthusiasm to solve the problem by doing a root cause analysis. The problem should be solved from its root, not from its surface. Keep that in mind. Solving problems help you to learn new things and be a better programmer.


Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Even though I mention it as introversion, what I want you to understand is to be focused on what you do. Normally most developers tend to work alone so much time in programming. They don’t know whether it is morning or night, that much attention. But I think you should not be that type of person. Put you 100% focus, when you do the work and take some rest, go outside, clean your own plate, etc. and then start working again. Be a better person, which will help you to be a better programmer.


When you encounter a problem, sometimes you’ll solve the problem instantly. But sometimes that might not be the case. You won’t see any possible solutions even after few days. But don’t stop, keep working until you find something. There is always a way to do it. Keep trying, never give up. Once you give up, sorry to say this, but you are failed as a programmer.

Love for the detail

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Detailed knowledge is a must when you solving complex problems. Once you go to the industry, not only technical knowledge, you must have very detailed domain-specific knowledge. Otherwise, you can’t give a complete solution to a problem. And once you start coding, if you’re interested in every small detail, it is a very good feature of a better programmer. That makes you understand the root cause of the issue.

Team Spirit

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Projects will become bigger and time will come to work with others to achieve a common goal. In the industry, there is always a team, no project work is done alone. Therefore you should be able to work with others, understand others and respect their ideas as well. Share your knowledge with others and learn from them. This is a very important characteristic that you should have to survive in the industry.

Staying Calm

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Life won’t always work out as you want. There are always problems, barriers, etc. Programming is also like that, sometimes things won’t go as you planned. There can be bugs, without cause. So stay calm and get yourself together, then start analyzing the issue. In the industry, sometimes clients ask for major changes, in the end, so face them with an open mind, stay calm and get the job done. That’s makes you a better programmer.

Here we have discussed some points which will help you in your programming career. Keep them in your mind.

